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Educational resources to promote independent learning. Easy to use - just download and print.




Educational resources to promote independent learning. Easy to use - just download and print.
Tutor time activities / Welcome back to school

Tutor time activities / Welcome back to school

A pack of 7 worksheets to work through during tutor time to welcome students back to school. There is a mix of activities to allow integration with other students and a personal reflection of targets. Reach for the stars. A target-setting activity for students at the beginning of the school year. I try and get students to make at least one academic target e.g. increase my grade in maths. This is a great way to get to know a little about students’ interests e.g. score a goal for my football team this year; obtain a yellow belt in karate. Students need to reflect on how they will achieve this goal and set targets. Pat on the back A nice way to get students to feel valued in their tutor group. Students stick a hand on their back and as they walk around the room, students write something positive about the student e.g Lisa is always polite to me. Find someone who … This is an activity where students wander the room to find someone who has completed one of the tasks during their summer holiday e.g. reading a book. It generates conversation amongst the group regarding what they have done over the holiday. Make a meme A series of images where students can think of something funny to write underneath. Make sure you set ground rules about what is acceptable! My students love this activity and sharing their comments.